According to Bakare who was the running mate to General Mohammad Buhari in 2011, under the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), said the APC has satan as its head.
The fiery cleric berated the APC Governors who he said ganged up against the Local Government fiscal autonomy.
Bakare while warning Nigerians to be wary of the ‘new progressives’, said there is no doubt that the five APC Governors in the South West are far richer than their respective states.
Tunde Bakare said, “APC is like a newly opened church of Satan with the evil as a Pastor which could not be distinguished by Nigerians from a true living Godly Church and hence could be mistaken for a real Church, even when it was made of thieves (Legitimate Pen Robbers), that is why they ganged up against Local Government fiscal Autonomy using crumbs from stolen accumulated wealth to bribe their thievery colleagues at Federal and State house of Assembly”.
“It is very clear that 5 Governors of APC in the west is far richer than their state and they have looted every penny from their state purse. People should be careful of this Rogues,” he added.
Bakare had expressed doubt at the honesty of the coalition. He had said ” for example restructuring of Nigeria along true federal principles, any party that belittles that, any party that says the constitution of Nigeria as currently constituted is okay, you won’t find me in that party. No matter the name or the label, because that is the enabling instrument, more or less the manifesto of such a party. God can bring people to power with or without election. We prefer the electoral process, but if they think they can hold on, fight and feed their greed on Nigerians by hook or crook, God rules in the affairs of men. I said here publicly, I would never loose sight of God and the side of those who work day and night for the progress of this nation. You will never find me in the company of those whose greed motivates their alliances and what they do.”
On whether he sees the APC as credible alternative to the PDP, particularly with the type of people the party is currently fraternizing with he siad ” let me put it this way, if you take on a Sango (god of thunder) worshiper and tell him he is an idolater, he might not agree with you. He could tell you he is also worshiping God, but going through Sango.”
On his ambition come 2015, and if he might join the APC he said ” With who? The collection of rogues, right,left and center. Who are the progressives in Nigeria;mention their names? Are you persuaded that they are progressives,progressive where, taking you where?
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