Nigeria was not made just for the Fulanis. Settlers must learn to respect their landlords and not lord things over them. You break up people's land, drive your cattle to eat up their crops and turn around to accuse them of stealing your cattle. Then you unleash your bestial tendencies on them by mindlessly slaughtering their children???
This President must not keep quiet any more. Silence is not golden in this matter. It is a betrayal of trust that you would sit tight and assume nothing has gone wrong. You cannot arraign Kanu while you ignore the worse evil perpetrated by your bloodlines in the same country.
I am not yet of the opinion that your silence offers a tacit support of these acts that are only fitting for animals (though that's what they really are). I want to make an excuse for you that you are working on an appropriate response. But this must not take long anymore.
You have the duty to protect the whole of Nigeria. Do not place the interest of your blood hungry renegade-kinsmen above the interest of Nigeria. This nation must not burn in your time.
And when you speak, please let actions match your words.
You may start by sacking Solomon Arase anyways. He speaks no better than a Shakespearean court jester.
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